I talk about the matter and I ask for help

At a first stage, you can talk about the gambling problem that you are facing with a person that you trust and who will not judge you. This will make you feel relieved and reduce potential stress and pressure. Having someone to support you in this effort will greatly increase the chance that your effort will be successful. In addition, sharing your problem helps to stop lying about your betting activities and helps you admit that there is a problem. If you admit that you have an addiction problem, it is much easier to find help and to change your life for the better.

Your family and social environment can support you psychologically but you may also need professional support and advice.

This website provides a safe environment where you can find relevant information. You can discuss your problem with a specialised Advisor on addiction problems by calling 1454 or 1456.

The services are provided free of charge to everyone. We deal with your concerns together. Call the Advisory Services of the Multiple Intervention Centre (MIC) at the number 1454 in order to speak for free with a professional in a safe and confidential environment.

The Services are provided free of charge to everyone.

We deal with your concerns together. Call the Advisory Services of the Multiple Intervention Centre at the 1454 helpline in order to speak for free with a professional in a safe and confidential environment.

Working hours of the 1454 helpline:     

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 8:00-17:00
  • Wednesday, Friday: 8:00-15:00 

During non-working hours, you can leave a message to the answering machine and MIC’s advisors will call you back.

At the present stage, the 1454 helpline keeps the above-mentioned working hours. There is an intention to operate the line on a 24-hour basis at a later stage.

The website, in cooperation with the Multiple Intervention Centre of the Mental Health Services, provides free of charge professional and confidential counselling through the 1454 helpline for the player himself as well as his family, friends and social environment.

The helpline serves the following functions:

  • Provides information on gambling issues in general and helps you better understand whether there are any gambling addiction behaviours involved and what these are in general
  • It guides and encourages you to recognize the addiction problem, whether your own or that of a person close to you and provides guidance on how to become engaged and mobilized in order to deal with it
  • It supports you in the process of rehabilitation, as well as in adopting a healthier attitude and behaviour.

If you realize that you or someone close to you faces any betting and/or gambling addiction, call now the helpline 1454 for communicating directly with a specialised advisor of the Multiple Intervention Centre.

The Multiple Intervention Centre provides a treatment program for problematic and pathological gambling addiction. The goal is to implement and maintain complete abstinence from any gambling behaviour and to develop a healthy lifestyle, away from addictions.

The services are offered with absolute confidentiality and anonymity and are supported by a properly staffed group which has expertise in the field of addictions (consisting of psychologists, mental health nurses, occupational therapists).

For more information relating to the programs and services offered by the Multiple Intervention Centre, click here.

The 1456 helpline of the PERSEAS Counselling Center for Adolescents and Family provides advisory support to adolescents and young adults up to 22 years of age, as well as to their family, friends and their social environment.

Call the 1456 helpline of the PERSEAS Counselling Centre for Adolescents and Family to talk free of charge and in a confidential environment with an Advisor.

Working hours of the 1456 helpline:

  • Monday to Friday: 8:00-15:00

The PERSEAS Counselling Centre for Adolescents and Family responds to the particular needs of every adolescent/young adult who is up to 22 of age as well as his family, through group and personalized, intensive or short-term interventions. Its goal is for every family member to be able to evolve and acquire more effective ways of communication and relationships, as well as useful parenting and life skills. Treatment programs aim at intervening as fast as possible to stop an adolescent/young adult from becoming dependent on drugs or alcohol or other addictive behaviours (gambling/internet).

Short-Term Intervention Program

It is targeted at experimental/occasional users of substances and their families. The aim is to give young people the opportunity to make choices and reflect on and change their attitude towards the use of addictive substances. It also has the following goals:

      • Enhancement and support of the family system
      • Development and establishment of operational relationships based on communication
      • Creating and strengthening parental alliance

Duration: 3-6 months

Intensive Care Program
It is aimed at adolescents and young adults with systemic use, as well as their parents (there are 2 parallel programs which run separately for parents and adolescents and young adults).


  • Abstention and stabilization of abstinence
  • Developing a responsible attitude and autonomy of the adolescent/young adult
  • Personal development of the adolescent/young adult
  • Individual targets for parents and adolescents/young adults:
  • Developing relapse prevention skills
  • Accepting limits, assuming responsibilities and tasks
  • Developing interests, healthy entertainment, relationships, educational and professional skills
  • Developing emotional management skills
  • Redefining roles and family hierarchy
  • Development of substance-deterrent skills
  • Facilitating the delineation of relationships between children and parents
  • Facilitating the smooth outcome of adolescence and autonomy of the adolescent/young adult

Duration: 6 - 9 months (average frequency 2-3 sessions weekly)

Program for the Engagement of Parents
It is aimed at parents of adolescents and young adults who systematically use substances, whose children have not sought treatment.


  • Supporting, empowering and engaging parents to motivate their children to seek help
  • Creating a strong parental coalition that supports each parent
  • Engaging parents to develop a dissuasive attitude towards substance use

Duration: 6 months (group, family and individual framework)


Helpline: 1456
Working hours: Monday to Friday 8:00- 15:00

Address: Stageiron 2 & 4, 2046 Strovolos - Nicosia
Tel.  22464292 Fax. 22305410
Email : [email protected]
FACEBOOK: PERSEAS Counselling Centre

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